I also don't see why the console companies get so mad when gamers want bigger storage space. Yes, the Nintendo Wii could use a real hard drive instead of just 512 MB memory or memory cards. And remember when Microsoft would get so mad when people were asking for a hard drive bigger than 20 GB?
I think the really annoying thing is there are USB ports on the Wii that everyone assumed would be compatible with hard drives when the system was first shown.
Oh yeah, and that you can save games to an SD card, but you can't run them off the card. I understand they're worried about people just downloading games and then copying the files to another card for their friends, but there has to be a way around that, isn't there?
Yeah, I was reading an article today that was discussing what the USB ports could be used for if not harddrives. But most of their ideas seemed ridiculous.
I've never seen an industry get so upset with it's customers when the customers are basically saying "look if you make this we will buy it". I remember the whole Xbox harddrive thing and how some of the designers were just total dicks to the 1up guys for asking.
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