The 100th and last episode of the wildly popular machinima Red vs Blue was posted today(after only an overnight delay).
I've been a fan since episode one four years or so ago and a sponsor on their site for the last couple years. In order to prepare for the final episode, I sat down on Tuesday and watched all of the final season in one sitting.
The series is very funny, and some of the shots and tricks they are able to pull off in their video work is amazing. Rooster Teeth is definitely one of the best in the machinima business. Their new Shadowrun series 1-800-MAGIC is coming along very well.
I don't want to give any spoilers away, but the ending is definitely unexpected but clever. Some viewers might not like it, but on reflection, I thought it was the best way it could have gone.
My only complaint is that the episode is only viewable through a flash player. I had some problems getting it to work at first, and I'm not alone. Of course, at this point, the server might be getting bombarded and that's the reason, but I prefer to be able to download the video and watch it off of my own harddrive.
I haven't watched the series since season 2 when you let me borrow 1 and 2. I have forgotten the story line and I watched the last episode today. I didn't get it. The writing and camera work has gotten way better though.
I have to say I likes the 1-800-MAGIC a lot more. Very funny and the lips move. How do they do that? Is there a carrot involved?
They give the characters peanut butter. Makes them look like they're talking.
"When you click 'Red vs Blue' you see the action ending, when you click '100th' you see the red ending, and when you click 'Episode' you see the blue ending... there are 3 endings."
I haven't tried it because I'm too lazy.
I tried it. You were right. I had seen the "red" ending which is definitely the weirdest.
There's also one where nothing really changes and one where everyone basically dies. Sweet.
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