Barely 2 weeks in and my 360 already has to go in for repairs. Awesome. Since the day I got the system I kept getting the absolutely dumbest message possible... "To play this game, put it in an XBOX360 console." Really? What the heck do you think you are you stupid machine. The best part of my 25 minute (most of it on hold) conversation with customer "service" was when the guy said "Did you know your console came from Canada? That's pretty odd." He then proceeded to ask me at least 5 times if he told me that I was getting free shipping for my repair. It's amazing how much better Nintendo's customer service is considering their systems have far fewer problems than Microsoft. Bill Gates blows, and his comments about a making a system exactly like the Wii and then saying it would be nothing like the Wii are hilarious.
It's been longer than two weeks. Not a ton longer but longer. And everyone knows you can't trust Canadian electronics. Buy American!
Of all the people in our little group for this to happen to it happens to Eric. Is that irony or what?
What!? Eric has a 360? I thought you were a Nintendo fanboy.
Mine still runs perfectly, though I swear I cross my fingers everytime I turn it on. All thes stories have me freakin' paranoid!
Yeah, Eric is BNC Egod.
He also bought Guitar Hero II for the 360. He jumped in feet first.
Longer than 2 weeks, yes. But, I had problems since day 1.
That does suck. And is quite ironic.
Poor Bill. He always gets blamed for everything Microsoft does as a company. There is a specific team devoted to Xbox360 and they should get the blame. Why call out Bill by saying he blows? If anything that sounds fanboyish.
Sure ultimately he is synonymous with Microsoft but it's his people that botched up the 360, not Bill, so cut the man some slack jack. Yes yes yes he ultimately is the man in charge as well and one could argue that he is to blame but we all know how companies run.
Im still praying that mine holds out. Its seems to be getting louder so it's only a matter of time before mine goes. Until that time comes...
Here you go, Eric. A parody song called "Ring of Fire" by Doc Adams which talks about the problems with the Xbox 360 Ring of Death!
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