More news will come at E3 and expect some pretentious Mac commercials where the dangly dude from the TV show "ED" says some lies, like "Hi PC, I'm made for fun, like playing video games. You wouldn't understand what that means because you're too busy making spreadsheets and power point presentations." Good god I want to punch that guy in the throat so bad.
Aww. Come on. Leave that Mac guy alone. It's not his fault he is a tool for Apple. It's a job and he's getting paid. Put your bias' aside against Macs.
I don't like like those commercials either because they give false impressions that Macs do everything better, which is a crock. But to cause physical violence on that dude for no reason is just wrong. You're an evil person.
i will hold him down while you punch him in the throat, then we can make a "fun" video of it and edit via his "fun" mac software, then distribute it to the inter-tubes
I like that guy better than the "Dude, you're getting a Dell!" guy. That guy made me cry.
Make that 2 evil people. What is with the violence ThunderPudd and AplusJ? It never solves anything. Maybe Jack Thompson is right. Games can cause others to have aggressive feelings and thoughts towards others.
Thunderpudd, after we are done punching in throats, lets beat the crap out of pulselogik and remind him how to spell logic.
I don't think it's video games that make people more violent, it's society in general. Games, movies, TV shows, reality - it all makes us more accepting of violence. Personally, I prefer to punch people in the face instead of the throat...
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