And Noah Watkin's emblem of a pirate with crossed cutlasses wins. In my opinion, this will just fuel more of the pirate vs. ninja debate that has been so popular over the years.
I was looking at the contest rules after the winner was announced. The winner wins... nothing really. Just their emblem being used in Halo 3. Poor Noah Watkin doesn't even get a free copy of Halo 3. That seems like bullshit to me. Damn corporate greed.
Edit by Jester013 6/5/07 10:07 pm
This was Josh's entry:
Just so everyone can see what I entered click this link.
is that a "cock and balls"? no wonder they didn't choose that, you pervert
I like the pirate one. Sorry Josh.
Are you telling me that you wouldn't want "cock and balls" as an armor emblem?
Yeah, it's still cool that my emblem gets to be in Halo 3... but a free copy of the game would have been awesome.
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