Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Games For Windows Magazine Goes Online

Games For Windows (GFW) announced that they will no longer be issuing paper form magazines. Ziff Davis and Microsoft announced the change yesterday and that GFW will now be an online entity.

The magazine has taken many changes over it's 27 year run, but this is a common problem among traditional newspapers and magazines. All the news people want can be found online sooner and from many different resources. I don't read GFW, but I do enjoy the weekly podcast that addresses some PC gaming news, but they mainly talk about the gaming environment and politics. I don't see that changing since it's a pretty popular podcast on the 1up site.


Jester013 said...

I bet the writers over there will probably start hating life. Now they'll have constant deadlines. There was an article I read about how technology blogging is so stressful because you always have to be up on the very latest news as soon as it hits. Just like we always are with the gaming news...

Anonymous said...

I've not been that impressed since they went to the GFW name and I'm not too surprised they had to stop publishing in print. They are part of 1Up now so it should not be to hard for them to incorporate with that existing site.