These are the software sales figures for Japan for the last week of Sept:
01./--. [360] Halo 3 - 59,000 / NEW
02./03. [DS] Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon: Toki - 55,000 / 440,000
03./01. [PSP] Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII - 54,000 / 649,000
04./--. [DS] Tamagotchi Petit Petit Omisecchi Minasankyu! - 54,000 / NEW
05./04. [DS] Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon: Yami - 46,000 / 389,000
06./--. [PS2] Bleach Blade Battlers 2nd - 31,000 / NEW
07./--. [DS] English Test 2 - 28,000 / NEW
08./--. [PSP] Yugioh Duel Monsters GX - 28,000 / NEW
09./--. [PS3] Oblivion - 27,000 / NEW
10./02. [PSP] Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops+ - 25,000 / 119,000
One of these things is not like the other. I did not know there were 59,000 people with 360's in Japan, let alone Japanese gamers that would purchase an American made first person shooter. I can only imagine Hell has frozen over and Billy G is kickin' back a cold one with ol' Mephistophiles while playing a little capture the flag on Xbox Live.
Wow it beat out a handheld pokemon game. That's a feat right there. Oddly enough there are 59,000 Americans living in Japan right now. No more, no less.
wasn't that the population of the town in dead rising? zombies love Halo 3.
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