The first message was masterfully written as "HOW DID U THROW SUM 1 SO FAR??????"
After a second, I realized that he was talking about Saint's Row 2. I ignored it but meant to write back later. I just thought he was trying to get the achievement for throwing someone in the game.
Today I got a bunch of other messages from strangers asking about the same thing. When I finally figured out why, I looked at the leaderboard for Saint's Row 2. Some of the early messages make me think that I was number one on the Throwing leaderboard for a while. When I looked at it, I was number 3 and I'm currently number 4 because one of the guys I told how to do it got it down enough to capture second place.
There's my celebrity status. Throwing people 6,971 feet in Saint's Row 2. :-P